Leverage your customers ' recurring purchases by sending reminder emails and encourage a new purchase when the product or service in question is about to end or expire. Whether it is an expiring subscription service or a product that the user purchases with a certain frequency, you will easily know it by monitoring the order history of your contacts . This will allow you to create personalized campaigns that remind the user to make a new purchase , perhaps even adding a special discount to help with conversion. sephora restock email Set up a campaign based on a series of emails: send the first when the product or service is about to end, and a second message just before that end. You can also schedule a third and final delivery if the user hasn't placed their order after a while.
H2 4. Focus on referral marketing What better time than stagnation to activate SEO marketing campaigns? About 2.3% of all sales come from this type of strategy, and the chances of making a purchase are 4 times higher when recommended by a friend. What is SEO Marketing? It is a sales strategy based on reports or recommendations from customers who, knowing this, suggest that third parties contact the company and buy its products or services. Typically, programs and initiatives of this type are based on some form of reward that benefits both the regular customer E-Commerce Photo Editing Service and the third party involved. Recommendations are the primary factor behind about half of consumers' purchasing decisions , according to McKinsey. Therefore, taking advantage of this type of strategy is a great way to increase sales, even during the lowest months . Try email campaigns like these: know how to give well-being to obtain well-being maude gives in gives 5. You don't always have to sell something.
Create value and focus on reputation and brand loyalty instead. Months without a product launch and without an initiative to promote can be the perfect opportunity for all those email campaigns you've had to neglect during the busiest times of the year. These include messages that do not involve traditional direct selling but are just as useful and strategic for increasing profits in indirect and less explicit ways . By leveraging brand reputation , quality, and value , trust with users can be strengthened and conversions can be facilitated, even without selling. Messages focusing on the brand's mission and values , information campaigns that show behind the scenes of your production processes or emails that introduce the people, the company culture and the work environment are not just a few examples. This content is not about direct selling, but it certainly creates value and improves your reputation . This, in turn, increases the public's trust in you and the likelihood of future purchases.