Runecrafting 99. Air Madden 22 coins are a quick and simple way to earn some cash. You'll get 308 runes per 28 RC. Each rune is worth 5 gold. For one load, you will get 308*5=1540. You could earn the equivalent of 154000 gp when you complete 100 loads. Quick cash If you have a wizard it is possible to obtain the essence for free or at a low cost. It's free if you purchase the essence via the teleshop of Aubry. This is the simplest and most affordable method to boost your RC.
I've been contemplating the process of keying several times since I was 70 dg. I've created the list of things keyers and raiders need to do. This is a rule of thumb I've developed for myself, however you are able to modify it if you wish. Mark is a method in order to guide gds and doors.
Gatestone is a tool to secure some items that you as a keyer are not able to access. Prioritize rooms and gds that everyone in the team requires first, such as rooms for skills, keys, doors, etc. If doors that are not locked were closed, it is best to stay out of the group. It is important to remember the keying positions. If there are no other doors that are open, it's an excellent idea to record the information down.
Do you have two gds? If so, Sort them out and determine which one opens doors. Are there gates that are free? It could be used to reverse doors that you believe could result in an unintended de. Request your team members to drop off at ggs every time you require food. Team in gd but need door open? Lock the door, hand one teammate a gate and then ask for them to open the gate.
There is a need for a gate to be open, however the door isn't located in an Gd/W/E. Two options are available to choose from: shift your gate to the closest door or remember the location and move it to the point where your team is nearer. Get cosmics and tools immediately. No altar, no pray? Have your team create one. Dont's never skill, never ever do it. Don't perform gds unless required to open doors that are not accessible.
Don't give bosses things that aren't essential. This includes food, potions (unless required) and runes that are not essequious (unless required). It's not worthwhile summoning your familiars. The only way to summon an angry rager on floor warpedness is to summon them. Don't block anything that isn't necessary (farm patches or fishing spots, etc.).
Always feed the person who buy Madden 22 coins asked to. This is due to the fact that they are likely to suffer more harm (proved in the end-at-gd program, where the keyer will always have "meat shield award") So it is important to not keep food in your fridge.